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5 reasons why: i like Rick Ross aka Big Meech

1. he's a big meech and does't like 50 cent ...apparently

2. his real name is "William Leonard Roberts II" how gangster is his name? AMAZING i would give him a proper title and call him Lord willy :) oh the puns will be endless ....

3. he REALLY has a niche for white chicks, as long as he isn't call me a bitch and a hoe i don't care. good for him

4. he looks like a big baby when he smiles or attempts to raise his arms ,due to him being *coughs* slightly overweight and all, i just want to sink into him like a pillow he looks like my leather sofa.

5. he makes some pretty decent tunes like this,the way i skank to this is unbelievable, i move like an epileptic and my friend plays this song when he has to take a big shit.

i will definately be doing more posts on this guy because right now, im telling you , i LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH,


please adopt me
and on occasion we can smoosh
but i wanna be on top
just sayin...